Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a LONG time since I've written on this blog. It's funny how life just gets in the way isn't it. I started working in January and it was a big transition for me. I hadn't worked in nursing for about 5 years (the entire time we were in Singapore) and for a while there I wasn't sure I could actually do it. It wasn't the patient care part that got me...it was the ridiculous level of documentation. If I've heard "if you didn't document it you didn't do it" once I've heard it a million times and it's just as stupid a saying the millionth time as it was the first one. The truth is if you did it, you did it and documentation doesn't change that fact. It would be a lot more accurate to say "if you don't document it, you don't get credit for doing it". But the point I'm getting to is that the documentation has reached such a ridiculous level that it literally interferes with your ability to provide quality nursing care! Anyway...it's all the start of a rant I'm not going to get into right now.

My point today is trying to figure out just why this blog got put on hold for so long. Going back to work was of course the biggie but another thing that happened in January is that Chelsea moved back home. (and then proceeded to get parts in every single show she auditioned for!) She certainly is talented! She decided to transfer to the University of Houston and it seems to have suited her. She's changed her major to English Lit and wants to teach on the High School level. (she actually wants to teach internationally which I'm sure she'll be able to do someday since she's pretty good at accomplishing the goals she sets for herself) It's been very nice to have her home but she's planning on moving into an on-campus apartment in August so we'll be Chelsea-less again soon :-(

Stephen's gotten VERY active with church youth, particularly leading worship with the Youth Band, teaching guitar and also getting parts in every play he tries out for! Paul participated in baseball and found his love! He LOVED baseball and while it wasn't terribly time consuming it was yet one more thing to do!

So...there you have it, stuff we've been doing that I'm using as an excuse for not blogging but I'm going to get back on the soapbox here in the next few days and start back with my blog! I have to admit that the state of our nation really depresses me...and I'm NOT talking about the economy. I believe our moral bankruptcy is a much bigger problem than car companies, banks, healthcare and government. Guess you can tell where this blog will be heading in the next few days. Until then...